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PU lnjector Machine
Precise ratio and easy operation;
Easy maintenance at low cost;
Hose with inside heater;
Fill the material automatically.
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Product Detail


Precise ratio and easy operation;

Easy maintenance at low cost;

Hose with inside heater;

Fill the material automatically.


100L/Barrel;160L in total;

Delivery pressure for the PU resin

Max up to 4MPa

Mixing mode for injection gun

Static mixer will be fix in front of the injection gun and mix there

Temperature adjustable range

0-80℃(either temperature can be adjustable)

Temperature control accuracy


PLC system

Mitsubishi Made in Japan

The discharge of the volume

0-600ml/min (can be adjustable)

The Maximum mix radio can be adjust to 1:5 or 5:1

Automatic resin refill function;our system are equipped with both delivery pump to refill the resin from the resin barrel to mixer barrel automatic

We can provide the complete line with the pultrusion technology.

PU technology know-how technology;

PU resin injection mold and its box design and manufacture;

The current pultrusion machinery development;




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